miércoles, 16 de octubre de 2019

Summer plans

Hello everyone! How are we?, I'm so happy because are only a few week to finish ths semester, there are less than 2 month!!, the true it's I think that never end, therefore the summer is coming! :)
I have a lot plans for this holidays, for example, in dicember I want study to get my driver's license, even although I know how to do it I need approve the exam, and then maybe I get a English course for perfect me and to be able to make a exchange in another country.

Another thing I would like to do is travel, out and inside de country, I was thinking in travel with my boyfriend and another friends go to a camping in the Cajon del maipo for a few days or go with my brother to do backpacking from torres del paine, I think that might be a good experiencie for both, well I have a lot plans and I hope do it. the good news it that with my family come back to travel a Miami again!, but this time we will go to cruise!, it will be my firts time and I anxius

But I don't know if I can do everything...in fact I'm just happy to be with my best friend and make a pijamadas like when we were a childs and to be able talk a lot like in the good old days!

miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2019

My bucket list

Every year I do my bucket list, for the general, I do the list the 31 of Dicember, whith my family we have the tradicition write two list, the firts is about the bad things that happened to us, after taken the list and we broken and burned, then we write the second it's about the goals for the new year.
I think that it's good do the list for the long time, por example I have my bucket list the things that I would like do in my life, like travels for the world, or have my own home, get a goog job, anyway, but also I have my list for every years, por example this years I intend to practice more sport and lose weight, I think that I go for a good way.

With the time I can complite a big goals of my life, for example, graduate of high school, then enter the university, study the careen that I like...now the problems it get out, but this is the goals to long time.

Also I have had the posibilty to travel a lot outside the country, always with my familia, to countrys like, brazil, colombia, Peru, Argentina, and this year, in the summer, we travel to USA, and that it's great because I still younge, and in the future I would like travel with my best friend or my boyfriend, or maybe I would can travel alone, I don't know yet, but in this moment I feel that I archieving little goals.

miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2019

Postgraduate studies

Hello everyone, Today I was thinking that I do will I when finish my studies, with a career of architecture, I think that it's good to take a minor interior desing, maybe in the Universidad Catolica (to change the focus a little bit and get to know other institutions) or inclusive take a magister in another country, it would be in London, England because it's my favorite city.

Well that is what I would like to learn, but the truth it that I have always liked to teach, I like to explain things to people and they understand me, specially Math (my favorite subject), maybe it's because my dad is teacher of Math and one day I would like to be like him.

Of course, I will do classes just a somedays of the week, because the other days I will work as an architec

My future job

Hello everyone, Today I will write you about what I would like to work in the future, well... I really hope it is related with my career, something with architecture...you know, maybe in the heritage, remodeling, etc. I imaginate it working in another country, for example Italy or France, to specialize and know the another cultures. When I entered to study, I knew that I don't want work inside the ofice, I will want out, be inside the bulding, whith the land.

About the salary I really would like to live from that, to be able to buy my own home and pay for my trips, well... living independently.

miércoles, 11 de septiembre de 2019

My favorite book

I think that read is a acquired taste, and it’s sad that not everyone people like doing, The wold of Books is great, I discovery when I had 15 years old, I Started reading novels of teen, the character reach the real love or, magic creatures whit powers, things like that, I must say still I like them, the Comtemporanie literature or about fantasie, but actually discovery that I really like the police historys, of misterys, stories where you have to salve cases, find the killer, similar thing. I like because make you use the brain, have to think, deduce, reflect and look for the small details, to find the answer

A fantastic and great book that I recommend a lot it’s ‘’ the aventures of Sherlock Holmes’’ is old but it’s a classic, isn’t a continuos story (you can skip chapters, because every one it’s a different case, also has a Netflix series about the life of Sherlock Holmes and Jonh Watson in the modern world, the principal character is Benedict Cumberbatch who acts is Sherlock, is the same actor who acts as Doctor Strange, then you can imagine that it is a amazing serie, although still I haven’t seen the end of the series yet, I’m sure it’ll have an ending as good as the book

Favorite Movie

Hi everyone, I hope that you are havening a good week. Today I will write about How to train to Dragon, It's a story based on stories of author  Cressida Cowell. In a viking context, the story unfolds in a fictional city called Berk, whitch is attacked by dragons. who eat their foos ans steal their sheep. I really like this movie because the protagonist break the myth that the dragon are bad. and he learn his people that they should take care of them and love us, and not kill them.

The true is that I like the animation movies, because are really good, for example, Coraline, Atlantis, the movies of Tim Burton, And de Disney movie they are so good too. The last movie that I saw was Mulan, I don't remember how many time I've seen it but it's really good, I don't get bored, that the character, the plot, the story, and the song! Inclusive, sometime I studie whith song of the movie, I recommend you try, it's so fanny.

miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2019


Hello everyone, todav I writte you about the best holidays that I have.

In my family, we like so much travel, inside or outside de country, since my grandmother to my brother, So the best holiday that I had was this year in the summer near febrary, with my family (my parents and my siblings) travel to USA, to Miami city and Orlando for 2 weeks.

There, we did very exiting thing like, go to the beach, know the downtown, go to the big shooping, we went to all the Marchalls of the citys, but the best thing that we did was go to the tematic park in Orlando, we visited ''Universal Estudios'' and was amaizing, everyone really felt like a child, because it was like being inside the movie. With my sibling knew the real city of springfield, we went to Moe'bar and drink beer, also visited Gringots of Harry Potter city, the bank and the  Diagon'alley.

Was a experiencie full of magic, I hope that someday you can do this travel.

Summer plans

Hello everyone! How are we?, I'm so happy because are only a few week to finish ths semester, there are less than 2 month!!, the true it...