miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2019

My future job

Hello everyone, Today I will write you about what I would like to work in the future, well... I really hope it is related with my career, something with architecture...you know, maybe in the heritage, remodeling, etc. I imaginate it working in another country, for example Italy or France, to specialize and know the another cultures. When I entered to study, I knew that I don't want work inside the ofice, I will want out, be inside the bulding, whith the land.

About the salary I really would like to live from that, to be able to buy my own home and pay for my trips, well... living independently.

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Summer plans

Hello everyone! How are we?, I'm so happy because are only a few week to finish ths semester, there are less than 2 month!!, the true it...