miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2019


Hello everyone, todav I writte you about the best holidays that I have.

In my family, we like so much travel, inside or outside de country, since my grandmother to my brother, So the best holiday that I had was this year in the summer near febrary, with my family (my parents and my siblings) travel to USA, to Miami city and Orlando for 2 weeks.

There, we did very exiting thing like, go to the beach, know the downtown, go to the big shooping, we went to all the Marchalls of the citys, but the best thing that we did was go to the tematic park in Orlando, we visited ''Universal Estudios'' and was amaizing, everyone really felt like a child, because it was like being inside the movie. With my sibling knew the real city of springfield, we went to Moe'bar and drink beer, also visited Gringots of Harry Potter city, the bank and the  Diagon'alley.

Was a experiencie full of magic, I hope that someday you can do this travel.

1 comentario:

  1. Hi Fernanda,
    It's great that all your family enjoy traveling. I thought that you have many souvenirs at home, and most important: a lot of memories together!

    What is your next trip?


Summer plans

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