miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2019


Hello everyone, todav I writte you about the best holidays that I have.

In my family, we like so much travel, inside or outside de country, since my grandmother to my brother, So the best holiday that I had was this year in the summer near febrary, with my family (my parents and my siblings) travel to USA, to Miami city and Orlando for 2 weeks.

There, we did very exiting thing like, go to the beach, know the downtown, go to the big shooping, we went to all the Marchalls of the citys, but the best thing that we did was go to the tematic park in Orlando, we visited ''Universal Estudios'' and was amaizing, everyone really felt like a child, because it was like being inside the movie. With my sibling knew the real city of springfield, we went to Moe'bar and drink beer, also visited Gringots of Harry Potter city, the bank and the  Diagon'alley.

Was a experiencie full of magic, I hope that someday you can do this travel.

miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2019

A country I like to visit...


Hello, everyone, If I can choose any where go to travel, I decide England. I think that it's a wonderfull country, the language, the culture, and the teatime, inclusive the architecture, it's amaizing.

I don't know much about the history of this country, just that they have a queen yet in the power, but is more like a simbol and drink a lot tea all day, and I really like that.

If I can go, a travel in airplane, firts stop in London and I visit the Big Ben, the London Eye, meet the Temesi'River, and of course know the Buckingham palace, then I will go to Oxford and Cambridge for to meet, the Universities, botanical gardens, the museums and the castles. Liverpool, the city of Beatles, also Mancherter, meet the stadium, the theatre lowry, Manchester Town Hall and many more.

Personally I think that the all cities of Englas are amaizing and so beautiful to, for that I hope to go in the future for to study architecture here, do magister o something, o just know this country one time.

miércoles, 14 de agosto de 2019


Complete 5 activities   https://www.examenglish.com/PET/PET_reading_and_writing.html

And my highest score  was 5/5 in the item march 5 people to 8 texts 
and the lowest score  was 1/9 in the item '' Sentence tranformations''

I surprise, because I think that I better writting that reading, but in this activities was easier read with help the traslator, but I assume that practised with exercies like that, I will improve whith the time.

miércoles, 7 de agosto de 2019

The personal information on internet

Hello everyone!

Good morning, I hope that we have a great week, today I will about the personal information that the people shape in internet.

I think that the important issue is the Safe, How is de safe in Internet?, someone say that the safe in Internet don't exist, I think the same, beside one day I heard that, when you send something into internet, never dissapear, inclusive if you delete this content, still there, anywhere. The instantaneouness can be dangerous.

Show people that you're Happy or you are having fun, it's fine, or inclusive, if you are sad and you want shape with the rest, also it' fine, because it's your life, but is't dangerous when you shape your ID, ubication or key of your social media, for that we be moust be careful.

In my case, my favorite social media is Intagram, it's easy to use, it's so fast and you can see photograph of your friends, your family or someone celebrity that you like!

Summer plans

Hello everyone! How are we?, I'm so happy because are only a few week to finish ths semester, there are less than 2 month!!, the true it...